4th Kanazawa Bio-AFM Workshop

October 3 - 6, 2016, Kanazawa, Japan

KKR Hotel Kanazawa

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Lab Tours (deadline of application, Extended to September 9)

A few slots are still available.

In the afternoon of Oct. 6, we will have lab tours at Kanazawa University. You can take a closer look at the latest version of high-speed AFM, super-resolution in-liquid AFM and high-speed SICM. If you are interested in the lab tours, please make contact with Prof. Takayuki Uchihashi (uchihast@staff.kanazawa-u.ac.jp). Because the number of people we can accept for the tours is limited, we may not be able to meet your request. We will choose attendees on first-in and first-out basis.

October 6th (Thu)

  15:00 Departing for Kanazawa University (a bus is waiting for you in the front of KKR Hotel Kanazawa)
15:30 - 17:00 Lab tour (Maximum, ~25 people)
17:00 Bus departure for KKR Hotel Kanazawa