Invited Talks (International and Oversea Meetings)



184. EMBL Workshop:  In-situ structural biology: expanding the toolbox for structural cell biology (Heidelberg, Germany, February 4-7, 2025)
T. Ando, "High-speed AFM for dynamic structural biology"  
183. Linz Winter Workshop 2025 (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz Austria, Feb.1-3, 2025)
T. Ando "Energy transduction mechanism in walking myosin V studied with interactive high-speed AFM"
182. IUPAB 2024 Kyoto (21st IUPAB & 62nd BSJ Joint Congress) (Kyoto, Japan, June 24-28, 2024)
T. Ando, Plenary IUPAB Engstrom Lecture "Filming biomolecules in dynamic action by high-speed AFM"  
181. XXIII Linz Winter Workshop (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz Austria, Feb.2-5, 2024)
T. Ando, Tareg Mohammed, Prem Babu, "Dual mechanism of EEA1-mediated vesicle fusion" 
180. The partnership for structural biology symposium "Dynamics in Structural Biology". (Grenoble, France, July 6, 7, 2023)
T. Ando, "Directly watching protein molecules in dynamic action by high-speed AFM" 
179. Seminar at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Foundation for Research & Technology - Hellas (Crete, Greece, Oct. 14, 2022) 
T. Ando, "Directly observing protein molecules in dynamic action by high-speed atomic force microscopy"
178. Workshop on Computational Biophysics of Atomic Force Microscopy (Hybrid in-person & zoom meeting, Kanazawa, Japan, Sept. 19-21, 2022)
T. Ando, Keynote Lecture "High-speed atomic force microscopy in biology" 
177. Gordon Research Conference on single molecule approaches to biology (Castelldefels, Spain, July 3-8, 2022).
T. Ando, "ATP energy usage in biomolecular machinery" 
176. Symposium "Time to Share: New Insights into High-speed AFM (Online, March 3, 2021)
T. Ando, "Structural and dynamics analysis of intrinsically disordered proteins by high-speed AFM" 



8th Multifrequency AFM Conference (Madrid Online, Oct. 27-30, 2020)

T. Ando, Keynote speech "High-speed AFM for life sciences"


Biophysical Society Annual Meeting: Nanoscale Approaches to Biology Subgroup meeting  (San Diego, USA, Feb. 15, 2020)

T. Ando, "High-speed AFM revealing dynamic biomolecular processes".


XXII Linz Winter Workshop (Bio-AFM Workshop  (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz Austria, Jan. 31-Feb.3, 2020).

T. Ando, "Early preautophagosomal structure is formed by liquid-liquid phase separation through weak intermolecular interactions between Atg 13 and Atg17 "



AFM BioMed Conference 2019 (Münster, Germany, Sept. 2-6, 2019)

T. Ando, Keynote speech "High-speed AFM in Bio-Med: Its current state and future prospects".


Keystone Symposia Conference: Imaging across scales leveraging the revolution in resolution. (Snowbird, Utah, USA, April 7-10, 2019)

T. Ando, "High-speed AFM".


15th JSPS German-Japan Colloquium: Nano-LifeScience (Harnack Hous of the Max Planck Institute, Berlin, Feb.7-8, 2019)

T. Ando, "High-speed AFM: directly visualizing protein molecules during their functional activity"


Max von Laue Colloquium of the Physical Society of Berlin (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Hörsaal im Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Bau, Berlin, Feb. 7, 2019)

T. Ando, "Protein machinery enabling life"


Seminar at the Fritz Harber Institute of the Max Planck Society (Berlin, Feb. 6, 2019)

T. Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy for observing biological molecules in dynamic action"


XXI Linz Winter Workshop (Bio-AFM Workshop  (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz Austria, Feb.1-4, 2019).

H. Ariyama & T. Ando, "Dynamic processes in pore-forming Streptolysin O on lipid membrane"


Bio-AFM Workshop on "AFM and Related Techniques for Biological Research" (Empa, St. Gallen, Switzerland, Sept. 20, 2018)

T. Ando, "High-speed AFM and SICM: Watching biological samples in dynamic action"


19th International Microscopy Congress (Sydney, Australia, September 9-14, 2018)

T. Ando, Keynote speech "High-speed AFM: Visualizing protein molecules during their functional activity"


1st NanoLSI International Symposium (Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan, Feb. 21-22, 2018)

T. Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy: Visualizing protein molecules in action"


XX Linz Winter Workshop (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz Austria, Feb. 2-5, 2018).
T. Ando, "Dynamic GroEL-GroES Interaction and Its Dependence on Substrate Protein"



Physics & Life Science Colloquium (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA, Nov. 8, 2017).
T. Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy: Visualizing protein molecules in action"


CECAM Workshop on "Disordered protein segments: revisiting the structure-function paradigm" (Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, Oct. 3-6, 2017).
T. Ando, "Structural analysis of IDPs by their visualization with high-speed AFM"


15th International Conference on Na, K-ATPase and Related Transport ATPases (Otsu, Shiga, Japan, Sept. 24-29).

T. Ando, Special Lecture "Nano-visualization of protein molecules in action by high-speed AFM"


19th IUPAB Congress & 11th EBSA Congress (Edinburgh, UK, July 16-20, 2017)

T. Ando, "Directly watching biomolecules in action by high-speed atomic force microscopy"


9th International Conference on Engineering of Chemical Complexity (Viranova i la Geltru, Spain, June 21-22, 2017)

T. Ando, "Direct visualization of biological nanomachines in action by high-speed AFM"


Royal Society Discussion Meeting on Allostery and Molecular Machines (London, UK, June 19-20, 2017)

T. Ando, "Dynamic GroEL-GroES interaction revealed by high-speed atomic force microscopy"


19th International Scanning Probe Microscopy Conference (Kyoto, Japan, May 16-19, 2017)

T. Ando, " High-speed atomic force microscopy and its future prospects"


8th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (Queenstown, New Zealand, Feb. 12-16, 2017)

T. Ando, Keynote speech "High-speed AFM for filming protein molecules in action"


XIX Linz Winter Workshop (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz Austria, Feb. 3-6, 2017)

T. Ando, and D. Yamamoto, "GroEL-GroES interaction cycle revealed by high-speed AFM"



Symposium for exploring prospective research -Pioneering New Fields: Forefront of RIKEN's Science and Beyond- (RIKEN Wako campus Suzuki Umetaro Hall, Wako, November 21-22, 2016)

T. Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy and its prospects for biological research"


International Congress on High-speed Imaging and Photonics (Hankyu Hotel Expo Park, Osaka, November 7-10, 2016)

T. Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy for observing protein molecules in dynamic action"


SPM on SPM 2016 (Jilin University, Chungchun, China, August 26-30, 2016)

T. Ando, Plenary talk "High-speed atomic force microscopy for biomolecular and cellular studies"


Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Gordon Research Conference (Les Diablerets, Switzerland, June 26-July 1, 2016)

T. Ando, "Watching the structure, function and dysfunction of IDPs by high-speed atomic force microscopy"


ISPM 2016 (Grindelwald, Switzerland, June 12-15, 2016)

T. Ando, N. Kodera, T. Uchihashi, S. Watanabe, Takamitsu Haruyama and Hiroki Konno, "Functional extension of high-speed atomic force microscopy"


6th Multifrequency AFM Conference (Madrid, Spain, March 30-April 1, 2016)

T. Ando, N. Kodera & T. Uchihashi, "High-speed force microscopy to watch nanoscale dynamics"


Sub-group meeting of intrinsically disordered proteins at the Biophysical Society 60th annual meeting (Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles USA, Feb. 27, 2016)

T. Ando & N. Kodera, "Structural and functional analyses of IDPs by high-speed AFM imaging"


Seminar at Technion (Technion, Haifa, Israel, Feb. 24, 2016)

T. Ando, "Watching dynamic phenomena occurring in liquids at the nanometer scale by using high-speed atomic force microscopy"


Nano Israel 2016 (Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv Israel, Feb. 22-23, 2016)

T. Ando, Keynote speech "Nano-visualization of biomolecules in dynamic action by high-speed atomic force microscopy"


XVIII Linz Winter Workshop (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz Austria, Jan. 29-Feb. 1, 2016)

T. Ando, T. Uchihashi, N. Kodera & D. Yamamoto, "High-speed AFM imaging of protein molecules in dynamic action"



The 25th Hot Spring Harbor Internationl Symposium (Hospital Campus, Kyushu University, Fukuoka Japan, Nov. 13-14, 2015)

T. Ando, "Direct visualization of protein molecules in dynamic action by high-speed atomic force microscopy"


JST CREST-PREST Jouint International Symposium (Ito International Research Center, Univ. of Tokyo,  Japan, Nov. 5-6, 2015)

T. Ando, "Direct visualization of protein molecules in dynamic action by high-speed atomic force microscopy"


The 15th KIAS Conference on Protein Structure and Function (Seoul, Korea, September 17-19, 2015)

T. Uchihashi, "Direct visualization of single molecule dynamics at work with high-speed atomic force microscopy"


2015 NIMS Conference (Epochal Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan, July 14-16, 2015)

T. Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy for observing biological molecules in dynamic action"


The Nano TR11 Conference (Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, June 22-25, 2015)

T. Ando, Plenary talk, "High-speed AFM for nano-visualization of dynamic processes"


The 7th Biennial Australian Colloid & Interface Symposium (Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, Feb. 1-5, 2015)

T. Uchihashi, Keynote Lecture "Visualization of single molecule dynamics at work with high-speed atomic force microscopy"


XVII Linz Winter Workshop 2015 (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Jan. 31-Feb. 2, 2015)

T. Ando and T. Uchihashi, "High-speed AFM studies on ring-shaped ATPases"



Seminar at the Department of Chemistry, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH, Pohang, Korea, Dec. 5, 2014)

T. Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy for directly capturing dynamic biomolecular and cellular processes on video" 


Seminar at the Department of Chemistry, Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, Dec. 4, 2014)

T. Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy for directly capturing dynamic biomolecular and cellular processes on video" 


Seminar at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University (SNU, Seoul, Korea, Dec. 3, 2014)

T. Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy for directly capturing dynamic biomolecular and cellular processes on video" 


Speech at the awarding ceremony of  Doctor Honoris Causa (President House of Aix-Marseille Univ., Pharo, Marseille, France, Nov. 18, 2014)

T. Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy"


Student Tutorial at the Aix-Marseille University (Luminy Campus, Aix-Marseille Univ., France, Nov. 18, 2014)

T. Ando, "Introduction to AFM: history, principles, applications and HS-AFM breakthroughs"


Seminar at the Aix-Marseille University (INMED Auditorium, Luminy Campus, Aix-Marseille Univ., France, Nov. 17, 2014) 

T. Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy for filming of biomolecular processes"


Seminar at the NIH NHLBI (NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, Oct. 24, 2014)

T. Ando, "Chemo-mechanical coupling in walking myosin V revealed by high-speed AFM"


NIH-Japan-JSPS Symposium (NIH Clinical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, Oct. 23-24, 2014)

T. Ando, Plenary talk "Filming dynamic biomolecular and cellular processes by high-speed AFM"


Distinguished Lecture in Biological Engineering at the EPFL-SV-IBI (Lausanne, Switzerland, Oct. 20, 2014)

T. Ando, "Direct visualization of dynamic biomolecular and cellular processes by high-speed atomic force microscopy"


Seminar at the Department of Physics, Academia Sinica (Taipei, Taiwan Oct. 7, 2014)

T. Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy for filming dynamic biomolecular and cellular processes"


VASSCAA-7 (The 7th Vacuum and Surface Sciences Conference of Asia and Australia) (National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Oct. 5-10, 2014) 

T. Ando, Plenary talk "High-speed atomic force microscopy for nano-visualization of dynamic processes"


6th Special Conference of the International Society for Neurochemistry: Dynamic Change of nanostructure in the Brain in Health and Disease - Cutting Edge of the Technical Innovation (Tokyo, Japan, September 20-22, 2014)

T. Ando, Plenary Lecture "Video imaging of walking myosin V by high-speed atomic force microscopy"


18th International Microscopy Congress (Prague, Czech Republic, September 7-12, 2014)

T. Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy for dynamic nano-visualization of biomolecular and cellular processes"


International Conference on Scanning Probe Microscopy on Soft Polymer Materials (Toronto, September 2-6, 2014)

T. Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy for filming dynamic biomolecular and cellular processes"


Satellite Symposium of NC-AFM 2014 on Nano Mechanics for Green Innovation and Life Sciences (Tsukuba International Congress, August 4, 2014)

T. Ando, Plenary talk: "High-speed atomic force microscopy for nano-visualization of dynamic processes".


Gordon Research Conference 2014 - Single molecule approaches to biology - (Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco Resort Lucca (Barga), Italy, July 13-18, 2014)

T. Ando, "Filming biomolecules in action by high-speed AFM"


NanoKorea 2014 (Coex, Seoul, Korea, July 2-4, 2014)

T. Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy"


ISPM 2014 (Sogang University, Seoul, Korea, June 30-July 3, 2014)

T. Ando, "High-speed AFM - Its current state and prospects"


"From solid state to Biophysics" VII International Conference (Cavtat, Croatia, June 8-13, 2014)

T. Ando, Plenary talk: "Mechanism of energy conversion in walking myosin V revealed by high-speed AFM imaging" 


UCSF/Mission Bay Seminar (San Francisco, USA, April 24, 2014)

T. Ando, "Filming dynamic molecular and cellular processes by high-speed atomic force microscopy"


2014 MRS Spring Meeting: Advances in scanning probe microscopy for material properties (San Francisco, USA, April 21-25, 2014)

T. Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy for observing nano-scale dynamic events in liquids"


Single Protein Dynamics in Cellulo 2014: Spatio-Temporal, Structural and Quantitative Analyses (OIST Seaside House, Okinawa, April 21-25, 2014)

T. Uchihashi, "Visualization of single molecule dynamics at work with high-speed atomic force microscopy"


Campus seminar at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen” (Göttingen, Germany, March 19, 2014)

T. Ando, "The development of high-speed AFM: A curious journey of a scientist".


Euro AFM Forum 2014 (Göttingen, Germany, March 17-19, 2014)

T. Ando, "Filming biomolecular and cellular processes by high-speed AFM"


Kitasato Joint Meeting 2014 "Molecular Control of Cellular Function: Seeing, Thinking, and Believing" (Kitasato University School of Pharmacy, Tokyo, Feb. 21, 2014)

T. Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy that captures dynamic molecular and cellular processes on video"


2014 RNBI Winter School (Hula Valley, Israel, Feb. 9-14, 2014)

T. Ando, "High-speed AFM for filming biomolecular and cellular processes"


XVI. Linz Winter Workshop (Linz, Austria, Jan. 30-Feb.3, 2014)

T. Ando, "High-speed AFM: Technical progress and application to myosin V"



ACSIN12 & ICSPM21 (Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba, Japan, Nov. 5-8, 2013)

T. Ando, T. Uchihashi, and N. Kodera, Plenary Lecture "High-speed atomic force microscopy filming dynamic biomolecular processes"


Univ. of Basel, Center for Molecular Life Sciences Seminar (Basel, Switzerland, Oct. 15, 2013)

T. Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy that captures dynamic molecular and cellular processes on video"


Karolinska Institute CMB/LICR Seminar (JSPS-KVA Program) (Stockholm, Sweden, Oct. 10, 2013)

T. Ando, "Video imaging of molecular and cellular processes by high-speed atomic force microscopy"


KTH Royal Institute of Technology Applied Physics Seminar (JSPS-KVA Program) (Stockholm, Sweden, Oct. 10, 2013)

T. Ando, "The development of high-speed atomic force microscopy"


Symposium on "Nanoscale 3D tomography, time-resolved imaging and dynamic characterization of nanostructured materials and devices" at 2013 JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia (Doshisha Univ. Shintanabe campus, Sept. 16-20, 2013).

T. Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy".


Archie Howie Symposium at EMAG-2013 (Univ. of York, UK, Sept. 4-6, 2013)

T. Ando, "High-speed AFM for filming dynamic biological processes".


Seminar at the Zhejiang University School of Medicine (August 24, 2013, Hangzhou, China)

T. Ando, "Video imaging of dynamic molecular and cellular processes by high-speed atomic force microscopy".


Cold Spring Harbor Asia Conference on "New Advances in Optical Imaging of Live Cells and Organisms" (Suzhou, China, August 20-23, 2013)

T. Ando, "Video imaging of dynamic molecular and cellular processes by high-speed atomic force microscopy".


XX International Summer School "Nicolas Cabrera", Biomolecules and Single Molecule Techniques (Residencia "La Cristalera", Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid, Spain, July 21-26, 2013).

T. Ando, Keynote speech "Applications of high-speed atomic force microscopy".


XX International Summer School "Nicolas Cabrera", Biomolecules and Single Molecule Techniques (Residencia "La Cristalera", Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid, Spain, July 21-26, 2013).

T. Ando, Keynote speech "Development of high-speed atomic force microscopy".


ISPM 2013 (Dijon, France, July 1-4, 2013)

T. Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy for biology".


UK-SPM 2013 (Leeds, UK, June 26-27, 2013)

T. Ando, Plenary Talk "Filming dynamic processes by high-speed AFM".


5th AFM BioMed Conference (Shanghai, China, May 7-11, 2013)

T. Ando, “Progress of high-speed AFM technology”.


XV. Annual Linz Winter Workshop (Linz, Austria, Feb. 15-18, 2013)

N. Kodera, SK. Dora, and T. Ando, “Imaging study on intrinsically disordered proteins by high-speed atomic force microscopy”.


The 10th Asia-Pacific Microscopy Conference (APMC 10) (Australia, Feb. 5-9, 2013)

T. Uchihashi, “Direct visualization of proteins in action by high-speed atomic force microscopy”.


38th Lorne Conference on Protein Structure and Function (Lorne, Victoria, Australia, Feb. 10-14, 2013)

T. Ando, "Protein molecules in action filmed by high-speed atomic force microscopy".


57th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society: Workshop-4 Time-resolved AFM of Biological Systems (Philadelphia, USA, Feb. 2-6, 2013)

T. Ando, "Filming dynamic processes of proteins by high-speed AFM".


1st Bioscience and Biotechnology International Symposium on "Biomolecular Assemblies from Nano to Micro"(Szukake Hall, Suzukakedai campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Jan. 30, 2013)

T. Ando, Keynote lecture "High-speed atomic force microscopy filming protein molecules in action".


2nd International Symposium on Intrinsically Disordered Proteins (RIKEN Yokohama Institure, Jan. 23-24, 2013)

T. Ando "Dissecting dynamic IDP structure by high-speed AFM imaging".



2012MRS Fall Meeting Symposium "Fundamentals of selfassembly of biomolecular and biomimetic systems (Boston, Nov. 26-30, 2012)

T. Ando "High-speed atomic force microscopy capable of filmiing dynamic processes in biomolecule selfassembly".


3rd Kanazawa Bio-AFM Workshop (Kanazawa, Nov.5-8, 2012)

M. Shibata, T. Uchihashi, J. Nishiyama, T. Ando, and R. Yasuda, "Development of high-speed atomic force microscopy for imaging of cultured hippocampal neurons".


3rd Kanazawa Bio-AFM Workshop (Kanazawa, Nov.5-8, 2012)

T. Uchihashi and T. Ando, "Image analysis of HS-AFM movies for dynamic events on biological molecules: F1-ATPase and cellulase".


3rd Kanazawa Bio-AFM Workshop (Kanazawa, Nov.5-8, 2012)

N. Kodera, S. K. Dopra, and T. Ando, "Imaging study on intrinsically disordered proteins by high-speed atomic force microscopy".


Keynote speech for NanoDay@Penn (Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philaderphia, USA, Oct. 24, 2012)

T. Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy: Nanoscale visualization of dynamic biomolecular processes".


3rd Asia-Pacific Symposium on Nanobionics (Wollongong, Australia, Sept. 19-21, 2012)

T. Uchihashi, “High-speed atomic force microscopy: A tool for nanobionnics”.


UK-Japan symposium for mechanochemical cell biology (Scarman House, Univ. of Warwick, August 23-34, 2012)

T. Ando & N. Kodera, "High-speed AFM and mechanochemical coupling in walking myosin V".


XXI International Materials Research Congress (Cancun, Mexico, Aug. 11-16, 2012)

T. Uchihashi, “High-speed atomic force microscopy for observing dynamic biomolecular processes”.


International Conference of Nanoscience + Technology (Sorbonne, Paris, France, July 23-27, 2012)

T. Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy for recording dynamics of biomolecules"


Seeing at the nanoscale conference 2012 (University of Bristol, UK, July 9-11, 2012).

 T. Ando, Keynote Lecture "High-speed atomic force microscopy for filming biological dynamics"


International Scanning Probe Microscopy Conference (Toronto, Canada, June 15-18)

T. Ando, T. Uchihashi, and N. Kodera, "High-speed atomic force microscopy for biology"


2012 NUANCE-BRUKER International Symposium on Scanning Probe Microscopy for Energy Application and Quantitative Nano-Biomechanics  (Northwestern University, Evanston, USA, April 5, 2012)

T. Ando, "High-speed Atomic Force Microscopy: Coming of age".


ABRF 2012 (Orland, Florida, USA, March 17-20, 2012)

T. Ando, "Nanoscale video imaging of proteins in action by high-speed AFM" .


6th international conference on Structural Analysis of Supramolecular Assemblies by Hybrid Methods (Lake Tahoe, CA, USA, March 14-18, 2012)

T. Ando, "Current state of high-speed AFM: its advantages & limitations".


The 10th Asia-Pacific Microscopy Conference (APMC 10) (Perth, Australia, February 5-9, 2012)

T. Uchihashi, N. Kodera and T. Ando, "Direct Visualization of Proteins in Action by High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy"



19th International Colloquium of Scanning Probe Microscopy (Lake Toya, Hokkaido, Japan, Dec. 19-21, 2011)

T. Ando, N. Kodera, T. Uchihashi, "High-speed Atomic Force Microscopy coming of age".


AVS 58th Annual International Symposium, Applied Surface Science Div., Advances in Scanning Probe Microscopy (Nashville, TN, USA, Oct. 30 - Nov. 4, 2011)

T. Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy for filming biomolecular processes".


Joint Congress of the 5th Meeting of the Asian Organization for Mycoplasmology (AOM) and the 38th Meeting of the Japanese Society of Mycoplasmology (JSM) (Nagasaki, Japan, Oct. 19-21, 2011)

N. Kodera, Y. Tahara, M. Miyata, and T. Ando, "Structural dynamics of Gli349 and Gli521 isolated from the gliding machinery of Mycoplasma mobile studied by high-speed atomic force microscopy"


4th AFM BioMed Conference (Institut Curie, Paris, 23-27 August, 2011)

T. Ando, "High-speed bio-AFM coming of age".


25th Anniversary Symposium of Protein Society: Molecular Machines (Boston, MA, USA, 23-27 July 2011)

T. Ando, "Direct observation of molecular machines by high-speed atomic force microscopy".


Gordon Research Conference on Muscle and Molecular Motors (New London, NH, USA, 10-15 July 2011)

T. Ando, "Motor proteins in action filmed by high-speed AFM".


European Science Foundation Research Conference on Biological Surfaces And Interfaces (Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain, 26 June - 1 July 2011)

T. Ando, "Direct and dynamic visualization of protein molecules in action by high-speed AFM".


5th IUMAS & ALC'11 Conference (Olympic Parktel, Seoul, Korea, May 23-27, 2011)

T. Ando, "Dynamic imaging of protein molecules in action by high-speed atomic force microscopy"


Motility Subgroup Symposium at Biophysical Society 55th Annual Meeting (Baltimore, Maryland, March 5, 2011)

T. Ando, Direct visualization of walking myosin V molecules by high-speed atomic force microscopy"


XIII Linz Winter Workshop (Linz, Austria, February 4-7, 2011)

T. Ando, T. Uchihashi, and N. Kodeara, "Dynamic processes of proteins filmed by high-speed AFM"


XIII Linz Winter Workshop (Linz, Austria, February 4-7, 2011)

N. Kodera, D. Safer, H. L. Sweeney, and T. Ando, "Direct observation of functioning myosin V and VI by high-speed atomic force microscopy"


IEEE MEMS2011 Conference: The 24th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (Cancun, Mexico, January 23-27, 2011)

T. Ando, Plenary talk "Video imaging of biomolecular processes by high-speed AFM"



3rd International Symposium on Atomically Controlled Fabrication Technology (Osaka Univ. Nakanoshima Center, November 25-26, 2010)

Toshio Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy and nano-visualization of dynamic processes and structural changes of proteins".


International Symposium on Protein Structure and Dynamics: From Molecules to Assembly (Nagoya Univ., November 23-24, 2010)

Toshio Ando, "Direct imaging of dynamic biomolecular processes by high-speed AFM"


Recent Advances and Future Prospects for Visualizing Macromolecular Complexes and Cellular Structures (NIH, Bethesda, USA, October 12-13, 2010)

Toshio Ando, "Dynamic imaging of biomolecular processes by high-speed AFM"


IRB Barcelona BioMed Conference on Intrinsically Disordered Proteins in Biomedicine (Barcelona, Spain, October 4-6, 2010)

Toshio Ando, "High-speed AFM imaging of intrinsically disordered proteins"


Gordon Research Conference "Intrinsically Disordered Proteins" (Davidson College, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, July 11-15, 2010)

Toshio Ando, "Visualization of intrinsically disordered regions of proteins by high-speed atomic force microscopy"


Seminar at the London Center for Nanotechnology (LCN, University College London, July 2, 2010)

Toshio Ando, "Dynamic visualization of protein molecules in action by high-speed AFM"


UK-SPM 2010 (ExCel, London, June 30-July 1, 2010)

Toshio Ando, Plenary Lecture "Dynamic visualization of protein molecules in action by high-speed AFM"


From Solid-state Physics to Biophysics V (Cavtat, Croatia, June 12-19, 2010)

Toshio Ando, "High-speed AFM and visualization of biomolecular processes"


AFM BioMed Conference (3rd International Meeting on AFM in Lifesciences and Medicine) (Red Island, Croatia, May 12-15, 2010)

Takayuki Uchihashi and Toshio Ando, “Direct visualization of dynamic processes on biomolecules with high-speed AFM”


XII Linz Winter Workshop (Linz, Austria, February 5-8, 2010) 

Toshio Ando, "Walking mechanism of myosin V revealed by high-speed AFM imaging"


Seminar at University of Nebraska Medical Center (Omaha, USA, January 8, 2010)

Toshio Ando, "Instrumentation of high-speed AFM and dynamic imaging of motor protein myosin V"


Seminar at University of Nebraska Medical Center (Omaha, USA, January 7, 2010)

Takayuki Uchihashi, "High-speed AFM observation of protein crystals"



Symposium on Watching Biomolecules in Action (Osaka, Dec. 15-17, 2009)

Daisuke Yamamoto, "High-resolution dynamic imaging of chaperonin GroEl-GroES Reaction"


Symposium on Watching Biomolecules in Action (Osaka, Dec. 15-17, 2009)

Mikihiro Shibata, "Direct watching of bacteriorhodopsin structural response to photo-activation"


Symposium on Watching Biomolecules in Action (Osaka, Dec. 15-17, 2009)

Noriyuki Kodera, "Walking mechanism of myosin V dissected by high-resolution dynamic imaging"


Workshop on dynamics and control of micro and nanoscale systems (IBM Research Institute, Zurich, Rüschlikon, Switzerland, Dec. 10-11, 2009)

T. Ando, Keynote Speech "High-speed AFM for dynamic visualization of biomolecular processes"


The American Society for Cell Biology 49th Annual Meeting

Symposium "Breaking Diffraction Barrier" (San Diego, December 9, 2009)

T. Ando, "High-speed AFM for dynamic visualization of biomolecular processes"


Three Seminars in France (Univ. of Montpelier, Sep. 21; Univ. of Bourgogne, Sep. 25; Institute Curie, Sep. 28, 2009)

T. Ando, "High-speed AFM Instrumentation and Study on the Walking Mechanism of Myosin V"


Three Seminars in France (Univ. of Montpelier, Sep. 21; Univ. of Bourgogne, Sep. 25; Institute Curie, Sep. 28, 2009)

T. Uchihashi, "High-resolution imaging of biological molecules using high-speed AFM"


International Symposium "Innovative Nanoscience of Supermolecular Motor Proteins" (Kyoto, Japan, September 8-10, 2009)
T. Uchihashi "Direct Visualization of Protein Dynamics using High-Speed AFM"


Symposium in the International Congress of Physiological Sciences,

"Challenges in the Integration of Multiscale Biomechanical Systems" (Kyoto, Japan, July 30, 2009) 

T. Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy for visualizing dynamic biomolecular processes"


5th International Symposium on Scanning Probe Spectroscopy and Related Methods (Poznan (Wasowo), Poland, July 19-22, 2009)

T. Ando, "High-speed atomic force microscopy and direct visualization of biomolecular processes"


4th Asian and Pacific Rim Symposium on Biophotonics (Jeju, South Korea, May 27-29, 2009)

T. Ando, "Direct visualization of biomolecular processes by high-speed atomic force microscopy"


24th New Zealand Conference on Microscopy (Rotorua, New Zealand, February 10-13, 2009)

T. Ando, Keynote Speach "High-speed Atomic Force Microscopy and Direct Visualization of Biomolecular Processes"


XIth Linz Winter Workshop (Linz, Austria, February 6-9, 2009)

T. Ando, "Dynamics in Bacteriorhodopsiin Captured by High-speed AFM"


6th Asian Biophysics Association Symposium, 27th Hong Kong Society of Neurosciences Annual Meeting (Hong Kong, January 11- 15, 2009)

T. Uchihashi, “Direct observation of single protein dynamics with high-speed AFM”



Physico-Chimie Curie Seminar (Paris, France, December 10, 2008)

N. Kodera, "High-speed atomic force microscopy for imaging biological molecules in action"


2nd International Seminor on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (Havana, Cuba, November 13-17, 2008)

T. Ando, "Visualization of Biomolecular Processes by High-speed Atomic Force Microscopy"


39th NIPS International Symposium & 7th OIB Symposium: Frontier of Biological Imaging (Okazaki, Japan, November 10-13, 2008)

T. Uchihashi, "High-speed AFM for Visualizing Biomolecular Processes"


4th Vacuum and Surface Sciences Conference of Asia and Australia (VASSCAA-4) (Matsue, Japan, October 29-31, 2008)

T. Ando, T. Uchihashi, D. Yamamoto, and N. Kodera, “High-speed AFM and Nano-visualization of Dynamic Biomolecular Processes”


Gordon Research Conference (Single Molecule Approaches to Biology) (Colby-Sawyer College, New Hampshire, August 17-22, 2008)

T. Ando, “Nano-visualization of Dynamic Biomolecular Processes by High-speed Atomic Force Microscopy”


Seeing at the Nanoscale VI (Berlin, July 9-11, 2008)

T. Ando, Keynote speech “Dynamic biomolecular processes revealed by high-speed AFM.”


American Control Conference (Seattle, June 11-13, 2008)

T. Ando, T. Uchihashi, N. Kodera, H. Yamashi, and N. Takahashi, “Control techniques in high-speed atomic force microscopy”


International Conference: From Solid State To BioPhysics IV (Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 6-13, 2008)

T. Uchiahsi, “High-Speed AFM for Visualizing Biomolecular Processes: nanoelectronics and molecular biology”


Focus on Microscopy 2008 (Osaka-Awajishima, April 13-16, 2008)

T. Ando, Plenary talk "High-speed AFM and Video Shooting of Dynamic Biomolecular Processes."


American Physics March Meeting: Symposium on High Bandwidth Dynamic Atomic Force Microscopy (New Orleans, March 10-14, 2008)

T. Ando, “High-speed AFM for Studying Dynamic Biomolecular Processes”


Xth Linz Winter Workshop (Linz, Austria, February 15-18, 2008)

T. Ando,  “Visualization of Dynamic Biomolecular processes by High-speed AFM”.



9th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures (Tokyo, Japan, November 11-15, 2007)

T. Ando,  “High-speed atomic force microscopy for visualizing biomolecular processes.”


Atomic Level Characterizatin ’07 International Conference (Kanazawa, Japan, October 28-November 2, 2007)

T. Ando, “Dynamic Biomolecular Processes Dissected by High-speed AFM”


6th International Workshop on Scanning Probe Microscopy in Life Sciences (Berlin, Germany, October 9, 2007)

T. Ando, “High-speed AFM for Visualizing Biomolecular Processes.”


13th International Conference on Surface Science (ICSS-13), International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology 2007 (ICN+T 2007) (Stockholm, Sweden, July 2-6, 2007)

T. Ando,  “Development of High-Speed Atomic Force Microscope for Studying Biological Macromolecule”.


International Scanning Probe Microscopy Conference (Jeju, Korea, June 11-14, 2007)

T. Ando, “High-speed Atomic Force Microscopy for Visualizing Dynamic Biomolecular Processes”


AFM BioMed Conference 2007 (Barcelona, Spain, April 19-21, 2007)

T. Ando, “Dynamic Behaviors of Proteins at Work Captured by High-speed Atomic Force Microscopy”.


IXth Linz Winter Workshop (Linz, Austria, February 3-5, 2007)

T. Ando, “Protein Dynamics Captured by High-speed AFM”.


1st Kanazawa Workshop on Atomic Force Microscopy (Kanazawa, January 16-18, 2007)

T. Ando,  “Instrumentation of high-speed AFM and observation of protein dynamics”.



9th International Conference on Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy (Kobe, July 16-20, 2006)

T. Ando, “Rapid Scan Atomic Force Microscopy”.


Symposium “Single Molecule Biology” at the 20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Kyoto, June 19, 2006)

T. Ando,  “High-speed AFM and Its Potential to Explore Nano-biology”.


SPM 2006 Conference (Scanning Probe Microscopy, Sensors & Nanostructures) (Montpellier-La Grande Motte, France, June 3-6, 2006)

T. Ando, “High-speed AFM”.


Okinawa Institute Science & Technology International Workshop on “Single Molecule Analysis” (Bankoku Shinryokan, Okinawa, Japan, April 16-22, 2006)

T. Ando, “Rapid Scan Atomic Force Microscopy”.



 International Symposium of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 4 (the Omiya Sonic Center, Omiya, Japan, Nov. 14-17, 2005)

T. Ando, , “High-speed AFM for Studying the Dynamic Behavior of Protein at Work”.


International Conference “Seeing at the Nanoscale III” (UC Santa Barbara, August 13-16, 2005)

T. Ando, “High-speed AFM and Its Potential to Explore Nano-biology”.


STM ’05 (13th International Conference on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Spectroscopy and Related Techniques (Sapporo, July, 2005)

T. Ando, Plenary talk High-speed AFM for Studying the Dynamic Behavior of Protein Molecules at Work.


Symposium “Muscle Contraction and Cell Movement” (University of Colima,  Colima, Manzanillo, Mexico, January 20-26, 2005)

T. Ando,“Dynamic Behavior of Myosin V and Reconstructed HMM Studied by Single Molecule Assay and High-speed AFM”



Oxford-Kobe Seminar: UK-Japan Collaborations in Bionanotechnology (Kobe Institute, Kobe, July 1-3, 2004)

T. Ando, "High-speed Atomic Force Microscopy".


MIT Seminar (Mechanical/Biological Engineering) (Boston, February 20, 2004)

T. Ando, "High-speed Atomic Force Microscopy for Viewing Protein Molecules at Work".



19th International Symposium in Conjunction with Award of the International Prize for Biology (Nara, Japan, December 3-4 ,2003)

T. Ando, Nanometer-scale Dynamic Behavior of Motor Proteins Revealed by High-speed AFM".


World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (Sydney, August 28, 2003)

T. Ando, "Motor Proteins at Work Imaged by High-speed Atomic Force Microscopy".


Vth Annual Linz Winter Workshop on Single Molecule Techniques in Biophysics and Drug Discovery Linz, February 21, 2003

T. Ando, "A High-speed Atomic Force Microscope for Studying Biological Macromolecules in Action".



European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference (Vienna, December, 2002)

T. Ando, Planary talk "High-speed Atomic Force Microscope for Studying Biological Macromolecules in Action."


Fujiwara Seminer (HakoneOctober 26-30, 2002)

T. Ando and N. Kodera, “A High-speed Atomic Force Microscope for Studying Biological Macromolecules in Action.”


Kazusa DNA Institute International Symposium (Chiba, Japan, February 18-19, 2002)

T. Ando, "A High-speed Atomic Force Microscope for Studying Biological Macromolecules in Action".



International Workshop on Genetic Materials as a Target of Nanotechnology (Osaka, December 21, 2001)

T. Ando, "A High-speed Atomic Force Microscope for Studying Biological Macromolecules in Action".


The 9th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (Atagawa, Japan, December 6-8, 2001)

T. Ando, "A High-speed Atomic Force Microscope for Studying Biological Macromolecules in Action".